Sunday, October 31, 2010

Gender and Education Information

      Gender and Education that exist in 2010

    I found so many different websites about this topic. In a whole, I feel that most believe that some things have been done to help. but much more is still needed to be accomplished. We have begun to 'tap the glass in some areas of equality, but it is a problem educationally, and socially in our society.

    I was thinking about how the female children are raised for their early childhood. They are taught to play with dolls, which includes changing their cloths, combing their hair, feeding them with bottles, and even changing their diapers! Plastic cleaning sets, doll houses, and easy bake ovens are the toys that are gifted year after year to these children. Is this what makes a girl a girl??? They are taught at a young age that they are support to take care of the children, cook, and clean. This is such a stereotype in my own personal opinion. So, I feel that from the beginning, it is getting drilled into females heads that this is what they are support to do, their job in life. I liked GI Joe's when I was little, and my Mother hated it. She felt I was weird, and boyish like. Well, I got my knees dirty, feel down playing football and got cuts, and even broke my finger playing basketball! I loved all the "boyish" stuff as I grew up. Does that make me any different then my sister, who played with Barbie dolls, and cooking sets????? I linked this website because it shows all different statistics when it comes to many topics of gender inequality. I found it interesting and educational.

  Young Boys are gifted with the usual toys, such as building blocks, toy guns, plastic tools, and sport equipment. Does this set a clear image on   their place in our society.

   In Education, their are many gender gaps that still do exist in our schools.In the recent tests, I was reading an article that suggested  girls were, in fact, scoring higher then the boys are. The artlcal did mention that it depended on the subject that was being tested. This is a study done in the United States, other countries have different sinerios when it comes to gender inequality. This was one of three studies that I found on different websites. I linked this article because I found it to be interesting. I thought that the 'glass ceiling' phrase fit in perfect with our class.

     In class, I would like to share the information that I found interesting with the class. I am also interested in the other students, and that facts that they found. 

Man vs Women

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Brown V. Board of Education, Tim Wise Video

          I found that this was an interesting discussion to listen to. I feel that Tim Wise brings up so many excellent points that still need to be addressed. The website is a time line on the occurrence's of the 'change ' that was made in our constitution for the equal opportunity of education, disregarding race. This was accomplished on May 17, 1954, with hard work from the community which made this all possible. Tim Wise addresses the topics that did make a great deal of impact in the past, but still views that as a problem in our society.

           Tim Wise discussed the topic of a black president for our country, and his views about this. Wise feels it is a 'tap on the glass', but it remains to be a problem. He feels that Obama's electio9n was a great start, but racism is far from being resolved. He feels that we have made progress in the past years, but the stereotyping is an on going battle. He feels that the reason Obama was elected was because he is not the 'typical blackman', but an educated one that is very intelligent, and well dressed. He explains that if a black man was to have a poor education, and dress in a different manner then the 'norm', he would have not been elected. This means that we still value people on their appearance, weather race, apparel, music we listen to, school we went to or still go to, or the neighborhoods that we reside in.

    I think that Tim Wise is triing to open our eyes to 'perseption'
   Would Obama become president if this was the circumstances?

                                                            Does image matter????????

      I found it interesting to hear him bring up a point that was made also by Johnson, regarding able-bodiness. Are we still hiring people because of their race, gender, religion, straightness, Americanism, and maleness. Tim Wise feels that we do in fact still use racism in our current daily values. He feels that black people are perceved as less intellegent, higher criminal backgrounds, less patriotic, and less hardworking then the white people in America. This is a terrible thought to come into mind, but the problem is still steriotypoed everyday in America. Tim Wise is triing to open our eyes to the issue, and his cause is worth fighting for to create a better America for our  tomorrow.

"Connections" on Tim Wise, Whites Swim in Racial Preference

       As I was reading this article by Tim Wise, I immediately began to reference his piece to Johnson's concept of S.C.W.A.A.M.P. Johnson goes into such great detail on the affect of the 'commom ideology', that is an underlining problem in our society.Johnson's views on the concept of "whiteness", fits perfectly with the thought process of Tim Wise. Johnson feels that white people have a privilege in our society, and we need to recognise this using our conscience thought process. Tim Wise also feels that white people do, and have had a 'one-up' on the black people in the community. Johnson discusses the affect that it has for the white people, and the gains they are granted due to their race, gender, sexuality, able-bodiness, and property. Johnson feels that white citizens have a advantage on their Education, housing, banking, business, and salary. Tim Wise also feels that this is true, and post some percentages in his writing. Wise discussed the University of Michigan, and the advantages that they give the pupils, based on their past history of their childhood. He feels that it is an unfair system because some of the students come from a poor, urban society, and could not afford to attend fancy, higher end schools in the past. Wise expresses his thought on the inequality that this University is portraying.

     Tim Wise discuses the advantages that white people have, even in the present day. He feels that white people do not even see this because they are so use to it, that it's just not thought about or even realized. Tim Wise used a great example in his piece about a fish. "Ask a fish what water is and you'll get no answer. Even if fish were capable of speech, they would likely have no explanation for the element they swim in every minute of every day of their lives. Water simply is. Fish take it for granted." He used this example to compare the thought process of white people and that white people do not even realise the 'priviolage' that they receive through their lives. He compares the  'water to fish concept', to the 'Privlidge of the white citizen', to help the reader understand the concept that he trying to get across. This brought to mind the reading by MacIntosh. MacIntosh feels that the white individuals are not taught to recognize the ways that they benefit from their race.That white people just do not choose to recognize this concept, to just pretend that it does not even exist. I feel that Wise and MacIntosh have the same types of views about race, and the 'bedsheet' that is hung over the citizens eyes!
This article talks about Chris Rock, Tim Wise, and Dave Matthews, and there feelings on the topic of White Privilege.

      I just wanted to state that I do not totally agree with this blog entry. I feel that some people are aware of the 'White Privilege' concept, and the problem that it causes in our society. Many people, white or black, make an effort to help open peoples eyes to this issue. I feel our class has opened my eyes to different things that I had overlooked in the past. I try to keep a clear head and an open mind for my future endeavors!

In Class:
    I feel that we need to discuss ways that we can help in the change of this problem. Sometimes just discussing issues with other people can open their eyes, and may help in the realization of this reality we face.

Monday, October 18, 2010

What should we discuss in class....

I feel that we should talk about the different types of Service Learning, and see which approach is the most affective!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

'Reflection"In The Service Of What? The Politics of Service Learning, By Joseph Kahne and Joel Westheimer


     The article by Kahne and Westtheimer made me really think about the classrooms that I have worked in, and the class that I am working in at the present time. This article is about service learning, how we go about doing it, who's responsible for the education that is taught, and different ways that we can go about teaching the process.  While reading the example that is given by this article about Mr. Johnson's class, I related to the students, and the parents. They explain that the school that the students are going to be working in are in a poor neighborhood. The students that are doing this service learning project are from a middle-class area.Some of the parents were upset, and worried for their child's safety. The students were beginning this project, with stereotypes already at play in their minds.
     I related to the parents for a number of reasons. Myself, as a parent, worry about my child in all that he is doing, daily. If he told me that he was involved in this assignment, would I be upset and concerned, I say probably yes! I think that the parents that were really against this should have done their research on the school and the area before coming to a conclusion. I feel that the phrase, "You shouldn't judge a book by it's cover", relates to this topic. They could have even visited the school to check it out, and then make a decision.
      I can relate to the students in the same sense that I felt when I began my VIPS assignment. It is in an urban, low income neighborhood. I was not quite sue what to expect. I worried that some of the children would not want to give me a chance and try to expand their knowledge in Music, because they may not care about school at all. I also worried about their behavior, and how that would affect my interaction with them during class time. The students from this article came to a realization that they were wrong about their assumption on the School, and the children they were working with. They found the pupils to be very polite and interested in them and the learning that the student teachers had planned to teach them. There pre-notion of the environment was entirely wrong, and they realized that. I found this to be true in the VIPS, service learning program that I have been working in. The children are sweet, well mannered, and love having me come to their class. I came to the conclusion that for now on, I will try my best not to stereotype a situation, before I have the 'hard facts' to which I would be dealing with. Diversity is not a problem, it is a just a different environment that I was not use to. It has been a great experience for me this far, and I have become much more open mind to new adventures.
    This is a great example of the article in the discussing of 'Charity vs Change'. We need to realize that we have to be open minded, and not pity the youth that we work with, but try to help and understand were they are coming from.We need to help in the 'change' of their lives, and realize the positive things we can do to help improve and fulfill their lives. Sometimes change is a great thing in our lives, or that's what my Grandmother always tell me. some people have a difficult time with change, in any form of the word, myself included. How can we move forward and better ourselves if we do not evolve. I think that is what the authors of this article are trying to express.
     Which is a better way to provide service learning in a meaningful way? In the examples given in this article, I feel that each student took some form of knowledge with them after the project, just in different ways. They discuss  "Serving Those In Need", which the student worked in a community service project. This project was for a government class, and they state that it was surrounding democracy and citizenship. They help out in different areas of the community, to provide a 'service' that would help people.
     The other example was a form of service learning program 'Homeless Here and Elsewhere", which the authors describe the form of social, legal, and political standpoint. These students did a great amount of research while in fact helping those who are in need. They actually investigated, write articles, and really try do understand the cause, not just use a "band-aid', as we read about in Jon Kozol Article. I really feel that this is a wonderful form of helping out the community. I also feel that any act in any form that a person provides to help and care about others is spectacular! I found myself wanting to volunteer and help an organization, to better them , and better myself. I have helped out in the cause for the fight for leukemia for children in the past years. Did I visually see an impact, no, but I knew that I was a 'dent in the glass of the foundation.

    I found this article that has a teacher discussing  how she feels about the service learning student that she has to encounter. I found it interesting to think about it from a Teachers standpoint, because I will have to do the same in the future.

Youtube Video, Democratic Debate on 'Should English be declared our official language?"

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Christensen, "Unlearning the Myths That Bind Us" Extended Comments-Giana's Blog

    As I was reading Giana's blog, I felt that she brought up many points that I was feeling and thinking while I read the piece by Linda Christensen. I loved how Giana brought up the point that these Disney movie stereotype how a woman should look, what is expected of a woman. It is a truth that can not be denied, that Disney movies, along with all of the media of our society, create a massive problem. As the children watch these films, they see that all the main characters are tall, slim and very beautiful in their appearance. I thought that Gianas title on her blog was an excellent choice, "What is really pretty?". A question that has it's own answer in each person's individual view. If our youth is watching these films, most likely numerous times, the message of what their appearance is 'suppost to be', is subliminally forming in their minds. As Giana discussed, these children may end up with some form of an eating disorder, never feeling that they are the 'perfect looking' individual. As I wandered around the web, I took notice of certain things that I had never really thought about. Most of the main characters, man or woman, had the appearance of what a super model should look like. Giana feels that it is not just the outside of a person, but also the inside that counts. I feel that way in my everyday life. I am not judgmental when I visibly see a person for the first time, I need to get to know them to be able to decide how I feel for myself.

   Giana also brings up a great point when she discussed the portray of overweight people in our society. I love how she gave examples of the movies that do not use skinny flawless people as their main characters. Each person has something unique about them. Something that distinguishes them from the other people of this judgmental world. I think that this talent, this quality is not to be judged by a persons appearance. In the movie, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, this movie is teaching our children that if you are different, you must hide away, where no person can see you. It teaches that if you are different in physical ways, you are not welcome in our society.

   Giana finalizes her blog entry with the outcome of the study that Linda Christensen did with her students. All of the students that broke down these movies, feel that they will never look at them with the same thought process again. I would love to know what the outcomes where from their studies. I looked up some articles, but they were all very vague when describing what exactly they were. They showed frames of some of the hidden messages, but I still did not feel fulfilled with the research. Most of the pictures that I could find were of a sexual nature.  I included some pictures that had 'hidden messages' in them.

   In class, I would like to discuss the  Disney movies that we all have seen, and different points of view from the students on the content, the subliminal messages.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Weblink to Anti-Gay Bullying, what our Educators will do/should do

Thought I would add this due to our weeks discussion on this issue!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

This is an artical by Alfie Kohn

This is an artical about the parents of today, and how they are not raising their child in the 'right way'
I found it interesting.
What do you think?
Do we coddle our children and give them what they want to avoid any problems?
Should we be authoritative and set standards right away like Delpit suggests?

Missing Children Alert.....

Monday, October 4, 2010

What should we discuss in class.....

I think we should discuss Kevin's story that he wrote about. I am shocked. I feel awful. The fact that people can do this kind of thing and sleep at night really disturbs me!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Dennis Carlson, 'Gayness, Muliticultural Education, and Community' Argument

"This Author, Dennis Carlson, argues that schools use their power of influence to keep gayness 'hidden', 'in it's place', and not to be part of the 'normal' that is accepted in our society. He feels that it is a major problem for these children that are in fact homosexual, to go through school feeling they need to hide or stay 'in the closet' to be a 'regular part' of their educational journey. It begins in the schools, and remains in the eyes of the society, especially in the earlier years, to be socially wrong and unacceptable.

    Carlson has a big problem with the way that our school systems have made it so that the 'normal' individual is characterized by a specific race, gender, ethnic background, and sexuality. He is not totally blaming this problem on just the school, but he feels that they play a huge role in the turbulence that surrounds us as early as our youth, and continues on through our lives.

   The schools try to keep the fact that a teacher is homosexual so hidden from view, that it is not discussed, but 'hidden' from their fellow faculty. In the earlier years, if a teacher was found to be gay, they were fired and treated like an outcast. Homosexuality was just not allowed, they were like the so called 'witches'of the past, treated like they had a plague or disease. A teacher just would not even be able to get a job if anyone knew they were gay. This caused many of the homosexual community to stay away from the teaching career, which hurt us because some of these people would have been great educators, and in the end, we lost out. They were just  thought of as ineffective educators. Our schools did not think of any of the positive aspects  that these people as individuals could 'bring to the table of education'.
Carlson argues that there are  three main ways that our schools contribute to the 'invisible presence' of homosexuality.
1-the erasure of gayness in the curriculum
2-the "closeting" and "witch hunting" of gay teachers
3-verbal and physical intimidation of gay teachers and students

   Carlson feels that the 'normalizing' of our community is a problem. That we have our traditions in our community, and that is what is expected, and all that will be accepted. This causes a mask for any other particular thing that may be different than the tradition to be a sort of 'outcast', and not viewed as acceptable.
This causes people to be unable to feel and become an individual. It makes them feel unable to express who they truly are in life.

   I attached a website that has books that can be incorporated into the classroom to help open children's eyes to the fact that we are all different. This includes race, gender, sexuality and even our minds thoughts and beliefs.

  Even today, unless a child is in health class, and discussing the topic of aids, it is barely ever spoken about or discussed. It was only in the recent years that they were able to 'come out of the closet' in the media. It is not as big as a problem as the past, but we are still not at the point of 'social acceptance'. It is still considered 'odd' and not in the normal range of our society. He discusses that in some high schools, in the recent years, have formed their own groups of homosexuality clubs, where they can be open with their sexuality. There are many social groups now that stand for the rights of the gay community. One is called "Children of the Rainbow". This group fought  for a curriculum that will include lessons in of racial, sexual, ethnic, and religious diversity.

  I would just like to add in my own words, that I feel we all should open our eyes to all the differences in the people of the world. We all have something to bring, some talent that each may learn from. I myself attend 'Gay Bingo" every third Thursday of the month to support the gay rights. I also really enjoy going. I am in-fact a heterosexual woman, but what does that matter. I find 'difference' enlightening in all aspects of the world.

I also added a list of celebrities that have in fact 'come out of the closet', and stand strong to their individualism.