Thursday, September 23, 2010

Todays discussion in class....

I was thinking about the discussion we had in class today about the reading by Jon Kozol. I think it was a strong reading in the sense that it really described in ways that struck me in so many different areas. I also learned that Kozol feels it is the 'society as a whole' fault for all of the issues that they are having in New York. I never would have looked at the help that the community there has as a 'band-aid". I loved that description that she used. It helped to make me understand Kozol better. There has to be a better way to help our society with there problems. Band-aids will eventually fall off....Right!?!


  1. i agree with you, i liked the band-aid description as well. and ive always learned once you start to peal off the band-aid it wont stick back on you skin as well and will fall off. lol

  2. Glad this metaphor resonated with you both. It is not that band-aids aren't helpful sometimes... but they don't heal broken bones!!
